Our culture today doesn't sing publicly or even a loud. We fear being off key and out of tune. Before people were so self conscious, people would sing as large groups all the time not really caring how bad it sounded. For example, Andy Crouch recalls when he was a kid at a base ball game, the crowd would sing the National Anthem, all together and not very well but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that the National Anthem was sung. Nowadays, you never here the crowd sing the National Anthem (well, unless there's technical difficulties with the recording or a singer is too nervous), you always hear a professional sing it now, someone who actually sounds good; and the crowd does what they'll be doing the entire event: watching, listening, and enjoying.
I find this fairly odd and honestly, I wish we'd go back to the days where everyone sang out nations song. Singing, I think, brings people together. Pete Seeger knew that most people cannot sing on key to save their lives, but a crowd almost always can. I fully agree with what Linda Holmes said about Pete Seeger and I agree with what he believed, "...that everyone should do it, that people should retain the ability to get in a room and sing, because it was good for you, and because it taught people to pitch in and be brave." Singing in front of people takes courage, singing with a bunch of people gives security, yet still takes some courage. I believe that if more people sang together that peoples confidence within themselves will grow and raise self esteem, and will bring people together.
I find this fairly odd and honestly, I wish we'd go back to the days where everyone sang out nations song. Singing, I think, brings people together. Pete Seeger knew that most people cannot sing on key to save their lives, but a crowd almost always can. I fully agree with what Linda Holmes said about Pete Seeger and I agree with what he believed, "...that everyone should do it, that people should retain the ability to get in a room and sing, because it was good for you, and because it taught people to pitch in and be brave." Singing in front of people takes courage, singing with a bunch of people gives security, yet still takes some courage. I believe that if more people sang together that peoples confidence within themselves will grow and raise self esteem, and will bring people together.
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